I train shoulders once a week & I always begin my shoulder workouts with a pressing movement, either dumbbells or a machine, starting light warm up my shoulders and avoid injuries since the shoulder joint is delicate. When training shoulders you need to hit all 3 heads of the deltoid muscle, the front, side and rear delts all of which need individual attention to get that over-all fullness & roundness that you want with. As always, make each rep count, slowly increasing your weights with each workout and going slow on the negitive.
#1- Shoulder Press- I prefer to use dumbbells when doing this exercise, but cables or machines can sometimes be a good substitution or change.
#2- Side lateral raises- To hit the side delts, my favorite is side lateral raises with dumbbells but this exercise can also be done using a low cable pulley. I lift as heavy as I can while maintaining good form throughout the movement.
#3- Dumb-bell Front raise- You can also use a plate to vary this movement or for efficiency and a change of super set it up with lateral raises.
#4-Bent lateral raises- Keep this movement slow and controlled, Remember to hold the peak contraction for a second at the top before returning to the start position.
Another shoulder exercises I sometimes do for shoulders is close grip up right row. Follow me on Twitter & Face Book twitter.com/#!/RaechelleChase and http://www.facebook.com/pages/Raechelle-Chase-IFBB-Figure-Professional/299006786205
Video Rating: 4 / 5
sorry to say but you are not muscular at all
Hi Raechelle, can you tell me what is the mark of Gripads ? many thanks
And congratulation for your fitness work, and many thanks for your all
training videos, this help my wife, you are a model for she
King regards, Deby and Eric from France
Great video. You look amazing, all the best.
you are in great shape!
Training Shoulders with IFBB Figure Pro Raechelle Chase
if i was workin out there, i could do a pause & just keep looking at the
beauty & exercise performance, well done hun
@zulcurbup Thank you glad your enjoying them
I’ve always admired your delt development Raechelle. Great to see how you
train them. Excellent form on all exercises. P.S. I love your accent;
you’re a strong woman and you also come across as down right adorable.
Was it just be or was this stupidly light for a competitor? :L
Good job, girl , you are really sublime.
My obese brother managed to make the most incredible pole dancer there is
in my town fall for him as he used the Cupid Love System (Google it). I
wish I was happy for him but I want such a pretty young lady to fall for
me. I am totally green with envy. Does that mean I’m a bad individual?
Shiiiit my dick died im gonna burry it in you
10/10 would bang
30 seconds to a minute
Be sure she won’t rape you before you can even touch her.
wow nice
shes a beauty!!
I want to see you sweat, thx..
Took your advice and used more pumping music for my more recent training
Thank you
my eyes were on the oobs
What kind of cardio do you do ???