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Strength training for bench press and deadlifts! Today we’re going to be doing a killer strength training workout routine to improve your bench press and deadlifts dramatically with two upper body and lower body workouts.
Here are the workouts we’re doing today:
Upper Body Workout – Group 1
A1. Bench Press with Chains
8 sets
2-3 Reps
Tempo: 40X1
Rest: 2 minutes
A2. Neutral Grip Close Grip Chin Ups
8 sets
Tempo: 40X1
Rest: 2 minutes
B1. Wide Grip Bench Press
5 sets
Tempo: 40X1
Rest: 2 minutes
B2. Wide Grip Pull Ups
5 sets
Tempo: 40X1
Rest: 2 minutes
Lower Body Workout – Group 2
A1. Deadlifts
8 sets
3 reps
Tempo: 40X1
Rest: 2 minutes
A2. Lying Leg Curl with Toes Flexed
8 sets
Tempo: 40X1
Rest: 2 minutes
B1. Deadlifts (Snatch Grip)
5 sets
Tempo: 40X1
Rest: 2 minutes
B2. Glute Ham Raise
5 sets
Tempo: 40X1
Rest: 2 minutes
If you want to learn how to progress with this workout from week to week watch the progression model here @1:00
Make sure you subscribe if you haven’t already so you don’t miss out on the next Muscle Camp episode! Click here to subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=VinceDelmonte
Vince DelMonte
Honors Kinesiology Degree
PICP Level 1 and 2 Certified
BioSignature Modulation Practitioner
PIMST & FFT Certified
Precision Nutrition Certified
WBFF Pro Fitness Model
P.S. If you have a question on how to build muscle be sure to hit me up on my Facebook Fanpage: http://fb.com/vincedelmontelivelargetv
In case you were looking for it, here’s the link to share this video with a friend: http://youtu.be/LwcQiePKekA

DOWNLOAD IT HERE: http://bit.ly/1pnqsRI
I don’t always lift heavy weights, but when I do, this is one of my favorite routines! This workout uses simple exercises to focus on form and control while lifting heavier weights. Rep count range is between 10-15 reps per movement; the circuit is designed to work your body to fatigue within each set.
As always, focus on great form when using weights, but especially when using heavier loads. Listen to your body during the workout and use a weight range that is appropropriate to your own personal strength and skill level.
Level: All (increase weight to add difficulty)
Equipment: Mat, 2 sets of dumbbells (1 heaviest set for legs, chest, back, one lighter for arms, shoulders, core)
Intensity: Moderate to High (will vary with amount of weight used), Low Impact
This simple, strength-building workout uses basic exercises to focus building lean muscle in target areas like the legs, chest, back, arms, shoulders and core.with exercises like:
Dynamic Warm Up
Split Stance Bent Over Row
Single Arm Bent Over Row
Overhead Shoulder Press
Chest Press
Triceps Kickbacks
Plank Row
Renegade Row
Hip Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch
Spine Extension
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Video Rating: 4 / 5
I want to be at the next muscle camp
How many sets would you guys / gals recommend for a complete work out. I’m
new to gyms, but that’s what I’m restricted to for the moment as I have a
ruptured anterior crucial ligament, so no sport for me
Want a BIGGER Bench and Deadlift? Watch this!
Oh god, I remember the last time I wore wrist straps for deadlifts…
Strained a ligament and pulled all the muscles in my forearm. Was out from
upper body for 3 months. Don’t buy cotton wrist straps, they are so thick
even the tightest you can get them to be will way to loose!
Are the A and B workouts done on alternating days or all in the same
Im impressed, im like how he said to use your entire foot, not just to
“drive through your heel” like everyone else. The only other guy I’ve
heard who preaches using your entire foot is Mike O’Hearns.
I really wanna bench 405 that’d be great
Im not sure how often you do this workout? Like your week program is it
like day after day ore?
I need to improve over all, where is this place?
Weak guy goes first? That really helps the confidence out…
how many contest you have done? how many champions you made? slow in
powerlifting is 0 ! this is good for bodybuilding! one advice from a
Bulgarian powerlifter! good luck ! nice job!
Just divorced and I have been working out for a long time. I am trying to
understand this workput hoping I will see results at age 48. I need whole
life change.
Great progression model Vince!
i have one question mike and vince can we execute these workout at gym or
is dis only for exhibition use or profo use ..
Word brotha from your pro-card, to building your gym to becoming a
scientist I see why you hang around Pac-man a lot he is also a scientist
with gains. I’m back in T.O now and would want something more then a camp.
Don’t know how I would get in touch with you but let me know amigo Asap so
we can discuss a few things.
will 100% be using this for my deadlifts and benchpress
currently doing
dropsets for my deadlifts going from 12 reps to my 3 max then back up. was
just wondering if you think this works vince ?
Vince, I get slight discomfort on my knees after maxing out on deadlift.
What do you think could be the reason?
Hi Vince, Great Videos. Have been training for a long time, then at 75
I’ve started power lifting. In the 3 competitions I’ve deadlifted 215kg.
But I seem to be at a stand still so need to strengthen up a bit more. I’m
looking to pull 230kg. I’m a wee bit out of the run of the mill person age
wise, but have you any advice for me to do this? If you put in my name
‘Ernest Tuff’ on you “you tube” You can see videos of my lifts that my
friend put up.
blood on the bar isn’t a problem.
until someone gets aids.
your chain is too tight and your noes is very big.
Hey Vince! I’m big fan of yours, been following you for years and have
couple of your programs. Very good stuff!!! Do you have one more spot in
the camp? ( or maybe the next one) would love to be there.
Hey vince! So I was wondering, If I want to do this workout, but I have no
chains (rather the gym I go to doesn’t have them) for bench, what would be
the equivalent amount of weight on each side (in lbs).
You are simply a living inspiration. I’ve been tracking you on youtube
since this Jan 14, and started my work outs on feb with bodyweight of 128
lbs. Aiming for 154 lbs by Dec 14. Hope this is possible. Having s bit
problem with my digestive system. Can u help me with that, Vince? Thanks in
Yay #springahead Day 5!! :)
#springahead I LOOOOOOve this workout!!!
Last time I did this workout, I used 5 and 8 pound weights. Today I used
10 and 15 pound weights. I’m getting stronger!
Brand NEW workout – Strength Training for Women! Grab some weights + let’s
Did after Day 15… Pleasantly surprised myself by upping my weights….
Feeling pumped now!!
just added this to my workout as all i was doing was HIIt on the treadmill
look forward to seeing some results how often should i do this a week for
weightless i try my hardest to 1 hour of treadmill 5 times a week so any
advice would be helpful thanks
Nice. I had just done this one about two weeks ago and now did it for the
#SpringAhead challenge. I’m doing a lot better than I was, but I still
can’t get those pesky planks. I ended up doing those on my hands and knees,
but still worked it. I only have two pound hand weights, so I didn’t quite
get the same burn, but I worked with what I had. I’m looking into heavier
weights. I’ll be doing a 30-min walk later to round things out. Have a
great day, Jessica. And Thanks!!
Day 15 of #FITIN15 done! I think I need to get some 15 lb dumbbells. I
tried doubling up the weights(8 & 6) for a few of these, and I think my
hands will be a little sore. I lifted more than I thought I could though!
#springahed challenge day 5 done now day 6
#fitin15 Week 2 day 4 complete. Did this bonus workout along with the
Walk on 21: Low Impact HIIT. I like the different level options on the
walking workout. I like this strength training workout because it’s a basic
workout with familiar moves that works the entire body. I have a difficult
time doing the plank rows. I must be doing something incorrectly as it
hurts the palm of my hand. On the plank rows I did the first set with
weights and subsequent sets with no weights. I used 12 pounds for heavy
weights and 10 pounds for light weights. Not quite ready for the 20’s. But
I’ll get there. Thanks for the workout.
Was great!!!! used the same your weights!!!
#FITIN15 done, plus 150 Calorie Cardio Fat Blast workout!
I guess we all need to get some heavier weights! I used 10s for light and
combined a 10 and a 5 for heavy, except for the chest presses (too
dangerous to have a precarious hold on weights over my chest!). Absolutely
need 20s. #FITIN15
Day 5 done. Definitely see a difference in my flexibility since I begin
working out with you. I’m painting in my home and usually all the climbing
up and down the ladder and getting off the floor did me in. I must say that
my legs and arms came through for me yesterday. That’s what this is all
about for me. Thank you. Now off to tackle another wall. :)
This was TOUGH! But a good workout. Thanks!
Thanks for the heavier lifting options!
Day 5 of #SpringAhead challenge completed today. I enjoyed the slower pace
and heavier weights used in this one and would like to see another similar
workout as well. I also completed zumba and kickboxing so I got my walking
in. Thanks!
Hi Jessica, just a quick question, I know you told me, that you don’t
recommend wrist weights in general, but squats and rows with my heaviest
weights (which are 4kg) go quite easy now, but I’m not sure, whether I’m
really ready for the 5kg, so do you think, I should first try to add 1/2kg
wrist weights, or you also don’t recommend them for this workout? Thanks a
Done. Used 10 all the way through since that’s the heaviest I have. Great
workout. I’ll walk later
Great workout. It feels like I need to upgrade to heavier weights. I’ve
been using 8s and 5s forever. Yay progress!!
Triceps = whoa! I really enjoyed that row in plank with the twist. Shout
out from South Africa!
Day 5 complete! I could hardly hold my arm up to blowdry my hair just
now… I don’t go beyond 5 lb. weights very often, so this was good for me.
This was my first workout to kick off my new year’s resolution (a few days
early) of getting back into regular exercise. I probably need to get some
heavier “heavy” weights… but now I am feeling strong and ready for he
week! Thanks, Jessica!
Week 5 … Monday done…both 15 minute workouts! Love it!!
Wow! This was a great work out for strength training with weights. I didn’t
have heavy weights but a good work using light weights. Thanks Jessica :-)