Combining the CrossFit training methodology with a diet of meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar brings “a jet stream of adaptation,” says CrossFit founder Greg Glassman.
In the pyramid Glassman created, nutrition is the foundation, with met-cons, gymnastics, weightlifting and throwing, and sport following.
“Each level builds on the level below it,” explains Nicole Carroll, director of certification. “If your nutrition sucks, these things will not be where they could be if it were more solid.”
Likewise, Glassman says CrossFit favors Barry Sears’ Zone Diet “because it does give me accurate and precise prescription for caloric intake and, more importantly, the exact levels of macronutrient that I can start at.”
Likewise, trainers and coaches can make informed decisions on how to tweak an athlete’s diet for improved performance, he says.
CrossFit HQ trainer Pat Sherwood says nutrition isn’t an either/or aspect of training.
“It’s not quality or quantity. It can and it should be both.”
5min 14sec
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Video is completely flawed. Rich Froning admits to not eating that healthy
of a lifestyle. 4x crossfit champ….
“To optomize performance…”, you need carbs. Sorry.
Saturated fat raises low density lipoproteins, thus increases risk of
coronary heart disease (CHD). Carbohydrates (CHO) are our primary fuel.
Glucose is stored in the liver for our brains and in glycogen for our
muscles. Complex CHO does not raise blood cholesterol. It is important to
avoid refined CHO. We need whole grains. Most people consume 3X the
recommended amount of protein per day. Excess protein is converted to
carbon skeletons, which are then stored as fat.
I like the philosophy behind Paleo, so don’t get me wrong… but there is
one thing seriously wrong with it. Different human populations (races)
have adapted to dairy to different degrees because of their differing
evolutionary background. People of European heritage are mostly very well
adapted to dairy, and therefore dairy is usually an excellent source of
nutrients for them. Africans and Asians have not adapted to dairy as well,
so they would generally be better off to avoid it.
For those interested in this – research the rates of lactose (in)tolerance
among various human populations. You’ll find a very wide dispersion (from
some populations being 90%+ lactose tolerant, to other populations being
90%+ lactose intolerant).
Oh man, what sort of life are you living when you have to measure and weigh
out your food before eating it?
Did anyone else notice that the people in this story weren’t in good shape
and didn’t even look healthy. But yet they want you to follow their diet.
The bald dude is drinking a Coor’s Light during his discussion about
I get atleast 60% of my caloric intake from Carbs ( complex carbs not junk
food). I have about a 3000 Cal diet. Never had any health problems what so
ever and am a very fit individual. So I’m going to have to call bs on these
” nutritional gurus” some of whom look like they’ve never exercised in a
day of their lives have to say.
Always with the music ….
Nutritional advice from a skinny-fat out of shape guy… lol Seriously
And why ‘some fruit’ and not ‘a lot of fruit’?
I wonder how ignorant people can be when they say that this is garbage,
this is wrong with the fitness world, that a calorie is a calorie no matter
where it comes from….. If you don`t know what we are suppossed to eat
according to evolution, then please don`t make such desinformative
comments. (sorry if I committed a writing mistake, english is not my nativa
Let me state first – i love crossfit , i have being doing it for 8 months
already. But this guy, even as he is the creator of it – should get in
shape a bit more BEFORE he insists that we follow his advice for anything
on this point. There is plenty of athletes around – that i would gladly
follow simply because of their experience and sport achievements. You know
, lead by example.
In theory it is easy, the de facto most people could not buy fresh and
healthy foods everyday
We do not live in utopia, we shall
This entire video neglects the most comprehensive dietary study ever
conducted. The China Studay. They linked fat intake to chronic illness =
heart disease. Rural chinese people dont get heart disease and all they eat
is rice, veggies, fruit, and SMALL amounts of chicken and fish. AMERICA IS
FAT BECAUSE OF FAT. 300lb people didnt get that way from eating rice and
veggies. they got that way from eating oil drenched french fries which
people mistake for “carbs” when 70% of the calories in french fries is FAT,
not carbs. I hear it all the time when im out eating, people talk about
“carbs” and they have no idea that what they consider “carbs” is usually a
food that started out as a high carbohydrate food and was modified into a
very fatty food.
As soon as someone starts this food religion shit it is all bullshit.
What’s killing americans by the millions is the dead animals they eat. Eat
death become death.
macronutrients are soooo irelevant!
real food and enough calories are !
I must say I got pretty far with my 5 breadslices with peanutbutter
Most bullshit nutrition advice ever
He’s saying to stay away from processed foods but is drinking a diet sprite
2:18 …. Don’t get it
All this talk about nutrition and what diet to follow and here’s Greg
Glassman with diet coke on the table.but its “diet” no sugar this and that
blah blah.does diet pertain to food only and not drinks as well? SMH come
These people are advocating calorie counting which is just another fad and
isn’t a sustainable life long way to eat. It creates eating disorders in my
Cuando todos los días resultan iguales es porque el hombre ha dejado de
percibir las cosas buenas que surgen en su vida cada vez que el sol cruza
el cielo.
“carbs make you fat” fuck off, this diet is more than retarded
Schau Dir das Video an, wenn Du sehen willst, wie ich in 7 Min. zerlegt
werde :-D
Da haut er die super Videotitel raus um die Kiddys zu bekommen :P
Ich finds immer wieder amüsant, wenn sich Bodybuilder über
Crossfit-Athleten lustig machen. Eigentlich müsste es das Gegenteil sein.
Ein CF Athlet würde einen Bodybuilder in Punktur Kraft & Ausdauer
lächerlich darstellen. Deshalb halte ich nicht viel von Menschen die meinen
CF ist der letzte Müll. Ahnungslose +RETTER DER DÜNNEN- FLAVIO SIMONETTI
4:35 hhahahahahaha
Bitte mehr solcher videos mit Patrick. Daumen hoch
Diese ergo technik
bushido, bist dus???
Die Relgion Fitness, das Gym die Kirche und Geld der Gott! Ihr Inverstiert
euer ganzes Leben in Sport und Geld….das leben ist zu kurz um sich nur um
sich selbst zu kümmern…..
R.I.P Karl Ess / GA / ProBro
alles nur abzocke und werbemacherei