While training for the NYC Marathon, Amy Hastings runs her 5 x 1.5 interval workout. Is this how you train?
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While training for the NYC Marathon, Amy Hastings runs her 5 x 1.5 interval workout. Is this how you train?
I’m clueless about this subject – why don’t athletes train for a marathon
simply by running 26 miles?
Is the blonde Kim Smith?
If my goal is to run run a 3:45 marathon what would be my pace for this
Sorry everyone but I’m a beginner here. I didn’t understand what she was
talking about 5m MILE 278 rest & 78 pace? Can someone explain that??
nothing is more sexier than watching a elite female long distance runner,
She is intoxicating.
Dat Smile..
To me, amateur runner (Marathon 3:05h ), these kind of intervalls (4 or 5
times 2k or 1.5M in a slightly higher pace than marathon-pace) seems to be
an apropriate and efficient component of a marathon training plan. Of
course, in addition to several long runs (>30k).
Makes me want to try this workout really bad!
Something about the body of a female runner… Most beautiful thing on this
That’s mid-foot homie.
Hey Jasper! It means her workout was to run 1.5 miles five times. 78 pace
means her goal was to run each lap in 78 seconds, or 1 minute 18 seconds.
2:30 rest just means she took 2 minutes 30 seconds break between each
This folks looks weak… Lots of muscle disuse, start lifting gurls!
Wow that is a killer workout!! I may need to incorporate that in to my next
marathon cycle.
Anyone know the name of this music? It’s a great workout jam!
Can someone clarify this workout for me? I’m not too big on running so i’m
not sure what she means by “5×1.5mile, 230 rests 78 pace” in the beginning
5 intervals of a mile and a half at a 7:48 pace with 2:30 rest between each
Pretty consistent.
How does that pace compare to her 5k or marathon pace? Excited (but, you
know, scared) to try this workout!
I like how when they fast forward the film it looks like they’re reverse
moon walking.
Oh god heel strike.
is this workout a joke? most pro do at least 10 times 1 mile.
Super track workout!! I may have to add this to my repertoire. Not as fast
as Amy though. ..