ALEXANDRA BRING – Fitness Model: Crossfit Workouts to Tone Legs and Butt @ Sweden

ALEXANDRA BRING - Fitness Model: Crossfit Workouts to Tone Legs and Butt @ Sweden

Swedish Fitness Model ALEXANDRA BRING shows how to stay beautiful and in shape.

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Number 1 and Number 2: A Day of Training

Find out how 2010 Games champion Graham Holmberg and second-place finisher Rich Froning Jr. are training for the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games. At the Rogue Fitness training center in Columbus, Ohio, and CrossFit Cookeville at Tennessee Tech University, Sevan Matossian captures these two elite athletes preparing themselves for the mental and physical battles they are soon to encounter.

Reminiscing on his experiences last year, Froning says, “You can look at it like I lost or you can look at it like he won, and either way the outcome is he won. There’s not much you can do about it, and I can’t change anything about it.”

To prepare for this year’s Games, Froning says his game plan is simple: “Train as hard as I can. That’s what I’m going to do, and that’s what I have been doing.”

Reigning champion Holmberg confronts criticism about his performance and obscurity over the past year. He says the Open was a “lose-lose situation” for him—if he did well, people expected it, but if he did poorly, people would question his capability. Holmberg finished 37th overall in the Open, and he didn’t compete in a regional event.

Both athletes say they are ready for the Home Depot Center and July 29. They analyze their own past performances and that of their peers, sizing up the competition.

“We’ll see what happens when we get to the Games,” Holmberg says. “That’s all that really matters.”
Video Rating: 4 / 5

41 thoughts on “ALEXANDRA BRING – Fitness Model: Crossfit Workouts to Tone Legs and Butt @ Sweden

  1. scared to do weighted squats and such now. don’t want a flat ass like hers.
    always got told weighted ones going low aswell as a good diet makes the
    butt grow, but that?? surely she therefore doesn’t do this work out much to
    have not got results from the squats etc

  2. it’s alexandra BRING, not Bing 😉
    and maybe she is gaining muscle -used to be skinny, that’s why her ass
    isn’t extremely shaped

  3. Guys I wanna let Alexandra finish her thing but first my channel
    advertisement. Check it out, critique, and sub if enjoyed!

  4. Anyone notice Rich playing that gospel rap by Tedashii while first being
    interviewed in the beginning of the video? Love it dude!

  5. Everything crossfitters do is wrong. It’s just a bunch of cheating,
    (dangerous) shitty form, dropping weights instead of doing full movements,
    and bouncing the fucking rubber weights when they rep so that the floor
    does half the work for them. Crossfit is a joke.

    Granted, the guys at the top of the “sport” are relatively strong and fit,
    but they couldn’t compete AT ALL in any real competition where they had to
    stay true to the long established definitions of the lifts.

    The best guys in the cult didn’t get to where they are by doing crossfit,
    and none of the average cult followers will ever achieve anything by doing
    crossfit, besides maybe a few life-altering injuries.

  6. I really think everyone is entitled to say whatever they want, but I do
    find it so funny when “bodybuilders” or “fitness enthusiasts” or even
    ‘Keyboard warriors” rip on the kipping pullups or movement standards .
    Whenever I see bodybuilders, all I see is half movements (bench squat, lat
    pull, you name it) and they kip almost everything. Just look at anybody in
    a gym or video do bicep curls or triceps pushdown or whatever, it is all
    kipping. I know some limited range of motion comes from bulk and other is a
    choice to build bigger muscle. the point is everyone does what they do to
    be the best they can be. Let’s just leave it at that ;-)

  7. It’s crazy how much bigger they have both gotten. Rich, too, but especially
    Graham, and maybe more so EZ! 

  8. I don’t understand why people are butthurt about form, and how crossfitters
    can’t *perform* in terms of weight lifting competitions. Who gives a fuck.
    Obviously, the only people that care about that are internet trolls and
    people thats mirin. Who cares if the workouts have always been around, who
    cares about all this bullshit on form. Crossfit is designed for people who
    just wanna get fit and thats exactly why crossfit does. It provides an
    environment for people to be active, positive, and most important. *FIT* !

  9. not for athletes still playing sports. circuit training yes but not 30
    deadlifts fast as u can 

  10. these are pussy weights wtf and those are the worst ever muscle ups ive
    ever seen. This shit is a joke 

  11. 59:14
    *Gets glute ham raise machine*
    *Does sit-ups on it*
    I can feel my spine snapping just watching this guy

  12. Overall good interviews, but this Crossfit reporter is trying to throw in
    some drama, stick to the sport and knock off the BS and stop trying to
    start bullshit with the athletes.

  13. Why Do people bag on x fit so much. I’m not the one to comment on videos a
    lot. but people are going to do what they love. if you love baseball, LOVE
    BASEBALL! if you just love lifting, THEN JUST LIFT! if you love running,
    THEN JUST RUN! my point is is don’t hate and bash on something other people
    love to do. All these people love doing is crossfit. If you hate it then
    week. running, Olympic lifting, calisthenics, kinda what crossfitters do. I
    have a friend that goes to a crossfit gym and he brought me along. I though
    ” hey how hard can it be” the coach watched me dead-lift, squat, snatch,
    etc…. he wanted to see what i was capable of. come to find out some
    moments of mine were off. Correcting these, I found out that doing the
    right movement actually made me drop about 20-25% of my MR. We did an EMOB
    witch was not bad. But then the WOD came…. All and all, CROSS FIT KICKED
    MY ASS..and Im ” man enough” to say it, as for some of you commenting have
    not even tried cross-fit, and if you have tried it, IT PROB KICKED YOUR ASS
    AS WELL! and you quit and said it was stupid because you couldn’t do it!
    these vid training and competing in the games are prob making a hell of a
    lot more money then half of your asses comment and blowing crossfit out of
    the water

    that’s just my 2 cents for everyone that bags on crossfit 🙂

    crossfitters, keep doing what your doing! much respect from me!


  14. The guy who is filming is asking the most obvious, asinine questions

    Please grow a brain, then return and ask some cutting edge questions

    These athletes are my heroes. Much respect to them.

  15. You can say millions of thing.. But Proper form is vital to the muscle
    Developments in general.. 

  16. well, this workout seems pretty beneficial for those who want to lose
    weight as well as getting whole body workout done. Olympic style lifting
    shouldn’t cause injury if you are doing it right. I think this has its own

  17. crossfit is fucking retarded. Fittest men on earth? Bro gtfo with all that
    nonsense. I bet half these pussies use herbalife to. These ass douches
    belong in switzerland or some other pussy country where they fit in doing
    retarded exercises. Beta Phaggots hopping on benches and throwing weights. 

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