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12 Minute Splits Stretch Flexibility Workout For Beginners How To Tutorial
In this video, Donnie shares the basic stretches to improve flexibility toward being able to do the splits. Follow along with Donnie to increase flexibility and learn how to do the splits.
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Music by iChill Music Factory
This video was produced by Psychetruth
© Copyright 2013 Target Public Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Splits, Stretches, Splits Stretches, Splits Tutorial, Splits for Beginners, How To Do The Splits, Flexibility, Workout, Stretch Workout, 12, Minute, 12 Minute, How to, Tutorial, Routine, Full body, home, Donnie, Corrina, Corrina Rachel, Psychetruth, cheerleader, stretch routine, Stretches for Splits, Stretches for Flexibility, beginners
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20 Minute Full Body Stretching Routine for Flexibility & Pain Relief, How to Stretch, Beginners Yoga
In this video, Cindie shares a 20 minute yoga routine to increase energy levels, great for morning or anytime you’re feeling fatigue, stress or depression.
Cindie teaches Yoga in Austin, Texas at East Side Yoga.
Visit Cindie’s website at:
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Full Body Yoga Workout: Intense Weight Loss & Strength Training for Beginners & Athletes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xWZFBcbXvs&list=PL640CA7692CC4376F
Yoga for Beginners, 10 Minute Yoga Flow Workout, Full Body Flexibility How to Routine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqGuyrWjJN8&list=PLvP8YsX0ebXbcTf1Gunhj3sfNmVT9yGFY
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12 Minute Splits Stretch Flexibility Workout For Beginners How To Tutorial
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Warm Up for Core Strength, Low Back Pain, Workout Warmup, Yoga Stretch Routine
Cindie Yoga Playlist
Music by iChill Music Factory
This video was produced by Psychetruth
© Copyright 2013 Target Public Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
20 Minute Full Body Stretching Routine for Flexibility & Pain Relief, How to Stretch, Beginners Yoga How to Safe Stretching Yoga “for beginners” “back pain” “Yoga for Beginners” “yoga stretches” minute “20 minute” “Cindie Corbin” Cindie Cindy “yoga mat” woman relaxing “pain relief” stress psychetruth “yoga instructor” “Austin Texas” Yogatx
I want to do updates because its cool how i can go back and look at my
progress. SO!
DAY 1: This is my second time attempting to do this, i tried a while back
but i gave up. Today i almost gave up, and i cant even touch my toes. Im
pretty sure i broke my leg but thats okay because i’m going to keep trying.
Does anyone else get dizzy doing this from looking down constantly?
Sigh.. I almost got my splits!! Like literally less than an inch from the
ground.. but I wanted to go further and accidentally pulled my muscles…
It takes really long for me to recover.. like I remember I fell on my knee
once and that was months ago (about 6 months) but until know it still
hasn’t recovered. It’s not that bad but sometimes if I kneel down on it, it
hurts. And now that I pulled my muscle, it will probably take months for me
to recover!! It has already been a month and I have to start all over
Ps. Sorry for the long comment..
Took me three-four months but finally I can now do the splits!
My goal is to get my spits done before cheer begins thats about 6 months,
im planning on doing this everyday, is my goal attainable?
Instructions were not clear ,i broke my hip and bouth legs..
I wanna be a cheerleader in high school and I’m practicing now do you think
I would get a split soon if I stretch 3 times a day?
This is my first time watching this video and have already noticed a slight
improvement in my flexibility I will update you guys everyday to record my
process. Wish me luck
Do you need to warm up before doing this?
Lol I gave up like on the first eight min.
I have been doing these stretches every night for a week now
My goal is
15th of March! Will update later how it’s going :)
so happy finally got my split back after a year out of gym, only watched
the video once haha feeling lucky
ok, so i’ve been doing these stretches almost daily for about 2 weeks now,
and i haven’t really noticed any improvement! i do believe i have been
pushing myself quite a bit, and i’ve been following the steps exactly. I’ve
also been doing some jumping jacks and jogging on the spot before i stretch
to warm up. any idea why i haven’t been improving?
I wish I could even contemplate doing this, I was born with extremely low
flexibility, My hamstrings are sooo tight that I can only reach to my mid
calves with my legs straight. Even at beginners level this is too advanced
for me (a young woman who does 10 plus hours a week exercise) I wish
psychetruth would make a stretch video for those of us with reduced
I started this 3 days ago and I was just wondering if it is ok if my is
trembling when I finish the exercises.
This is day 2 of me stretching to this video updating tonight to tell if it
hurts as much. Will be updating until I get my splits. Love y’all!!
Thanks to your vid,I can finally do the splits! But I can only do it for 3
seconds! Anyone have anything to help me do it for longer? Thx!
I am very inflexible and would like to become a dancer one day, so, I’m
doing firstly the Flexibility Stretches For Dancers, Cheerleaders &
Gymnasts, Beginners Exercises Routine video and then this one hoping that
i’ll make it one day…i’ve done these exercises 4 times till today and
I’ve noticed some progress…I also hope that this is going to help me with
some pain that I’m feeling in my right hip when I squat. Will I make it if
I’m not doing this every day but 4 times a week?
How long will it take me to do them using theses stretches
I’ve been streching for about two weeks (not everyday) and I’m almost
there! Thanks a lot!
Day 1: 18cm~7 inches
Day 2: 15cm~6 inches
Day 3: 14cm~5.5 inches
Day 4: 10cm~4 inches
Day 5: 8.5cm~3.3 inches. This is the furthest point I’ve reached since I
was like 11 years old :D
For beginners? I cant even do any of this stretches? Not even close…
For some reason my left leg cramps more when I do that first stretch.
Touching your toes. Anyone know why? Will appreciate it :)
I have a question….I’m so out of shape and I been doing this for couple
of days yes I saw alil improvement but the second stretch like I can sit on
the ground with one leg bind and the other straight out the side it’s
impossible for me I done an alternative choice but I want and advice about
it I don’t want to waist my time on useless things I made…
I freaking love this instructor! She is amazing! She is so descriptive
about each stretch, I never had to say “Wait how did she get into that
stretch?” It was amazing thank you!
This is amazing… I know nothing about yoga and had never done any, and
just a couple of seconds BEFORE she said “a lot of emotions come out when
we stretch our hips” I felt like crying almost. Shit got real!
Open Up and Explore with this Deep opening Stretch Routine!
Impossible to do that 13:30-15:00 move without crushing my testicles (i
guess they’re too big). Anyone happen to know any alternative moves for
that stretch?
Big thumbs up! I wasn’t able to do all of that cross-legged stuff, but this
did help me loosen up areas my normal stretches don’t.
Thank you,
NOTHING HAPPENS!!!just i got calmer in a way
Thank you. These stretching really help to release my stress and i feel so
This is my favourite stretch been doing it everyday! It’s getting easier
the more I do it. Thank you lovely people for starting this channel. I have
subscribed and will continue to watch and like. Sending you love and
energy! Peace be with you :)
very helpful ; i have had cramps and aches around my lower back, inner
groin and neck pain and this whole body stretch exercise did wonders.
really pleased.
yo how the fuck u expect me 2 do the splits.
How many times a week should i do this workout?
And thank you for posting this my body really needs it.
I love this! Definitely subscribing! Do you guys have any videos
specifically for runners?
I felt sooo relaxed when I finished this.
My hips need real work. I couldn’t do anything involving my hips.
Great stretch to get me through the rest of the week #yoga# mindandbody 20
Minute Full Body Stretching Routine for Flexibility & Pain Relief, Ho…:
Thank you! I feel so much more open. I ddint realize how much tension I
was holding
Hi…Thanks for sharing this great stretching sequence.
Would you recommend any warmup routine before doing this or is it something
to do without any warm up?
Thanks in advance! Have a great day!
I can’t reach down in a lot of the movements. My lower back stays at the
same angle and my thoracic region of my spine tends to fold forward. Does
this indicate tightness in my lower back or hips?
Since when is this considered beginner yoga?
i feel like this changed my life? *impressed*
thanks i feel good already pose more videos please
20 Minute Full Body Stretching Routine for Flexib…:
Great stretch ! I feel so open.
This was my first time doing yoga and I truly enjoyed the presentation,
information, and energy of the instructor. Thanks!
I really like your video’s! Just one thing… I hate that I am not so
flexible and can’t reach as far as you do. But I like that you repeatedly
say that every person must stretch as far as he can and don’t force!!
Now my question is… I want to be very flexible. What is required to reach
this? Stretching entire body everyday for example? I would love if you can
help me (or somebody else)!
XO from Holland