The #1 Way to Max Your Muscle Gains:
What up Everybody,
It’s Mike with Sixpack Shortcuts and today I want to talk to you about circuit training. Have you ever had a weekend where you eat way too much food and you start the week thinking “Man, I really gotta burn all that off…”? Haha, I just had a weekend like that so if you’re like me and have the occasional cheat, I’ve got the workout for you! So, write this down or follow along with me today because it’s workouts like this one today that will keep one track and help you to get the body of your dreams even when life gets in the way and you find yourself cheating on your diet.
Workout Breakdown:
5 Exercises / 30 Seconds Each / 3 Rounds / Rest 30 – 60 Seconds (minimal)
#1) Burpees
#2) Alternating Front Kicks
#3) Alternating Crescent Lunge
#4) Push Ups
#5) Mountain Climbers
You ready for this? Watch the first round to make sure that you have the correct form down, then start the video over and do the whole thing with me! There’s no equipment needed for this one, so there’s no excuses… you can do this at home first thing in the morning for optimal fat burning.
Let’s Go:
Video Breakdown:
Round 1 –
3:51 #1) Burpees
4:21 #2) Alt front Kicks
4:51 #3) Alt Crescent Lunges
5:21 #4) Push Ups
5:51 #5) Mountain Climbers
6:21 REST
You think you got it? If you did Round 1 with me, let’s keep going, if you just watched that first part then start over and do this with me! You’ll thank yourself – I promise!
6:51 Round 2
9:51 Round 3
Great job out there guys, this was a tough one! Remember, this one needed no equipment and will only take you a max of 10 minutes to do! No Excuses! This is BEST way to burn off those extra calories, especially now during the holiday season – Start the day off right!
If you want more workouts like this one, diet and nutrition tips and tricks on how to get the body of your dreams, come back and see us again or click on any of the links you see here. Don’t forget to leave your comments below to me know how you did on this workout or if you hated it (haha) and as always keep sending in those progress pics!
Peace Out!
Watch this video that shows you the one “new style” of muscle building that you can use on your very next workout:
I want to tell you one thing that will change your life forever… it’s easy, simple and will ensure that you the ripped, muscular body that you’ve always wanted as fast as possible. I know it works because it’s the one TRICK that worked for me… and it also helped to transform over 100,000 guys from around the world as well. If I can do it… and they can do it… then you can do it too! All of us already have the ripped muscular body we’ve always wanted. Now it’s your turn:
Mike Chang
Be sure to share this video with your friends! –
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Belly Fat Burner HIIT: Info for this routine @
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Note: All information provided by Fitness Blender is of a general nature and is furnished only for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold Fitness Blender harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Looks familiar _
Thank you for this video. :D
Is it better just to do afterburner exercises?
Do You Even Lift Mike?
Whats the best way to gain a lot of fat
I’ve been doing this work out twice a day for the past 5 days and I’ve been
losing a pound every day. I’ve also been maintaining a healthy diet and
eating medium-sized portions. I haven’t been eating any junk food and I’ve
been drinking nothing other than water. Am I doing good?
ok so this is a good work out but does this burn your belly fat or i would
have to do a seperate workout to lose my belly fat?
Gosh . I’m dying lol
After doing this it felt like I had just ran 2 mi
question like how many calories would you say you burn
Everyone join me in running this workout routine! its so solid because it
works out every muscles. i’ll be running this at a caloric deficit for the
next 8-9 months so i can burn fat and build muscles, WHOSE WITH ME??!!?
Do I need to do this training every day? or just once a few days?
I find that 5×30″ for me is hardly enough to get your heart rate going.
tried 5×1′, works definetely better
man… i can’t do pushups.. what should i do
Only till round2 for me o__o tired as fuck.
so is this good for a cardio workout to get the heart going before i hit
the weights?
I’m poo at cardio, I was completely dead on round 2.
Yo fuck this workout. I was tired as shit after the first round
Ok you have a good body but seriously you are soooooooooooooooo
uglyyyyyy,in this world not even a girl will be with you because of your
face just saying specially your hair ewwwww
Great workout!
It’s harder than it looks!!!
Great workout
I love how you workout with us but aren’t super peppy and
annoying lol
I see you MIKE
I appreciate that they put up these little workouts for free online instead
of nickel and dimeing people.
Jump as high as you can on those burpees mike ur kinda half assing it.
How many calories does this burn if I do 5 sets and how many calories does
it burn in after burn?
I love your workouts!! I have lost 16lbs doing your
How can she talk while is doing the exercises?
This HIIT workout is our last video from our old studio! Kind of sad, but
mostly exciting. Sneak peek of the new space coming later this week.
Dear lord I had 3 water breaks by the time she announced a water break
I was dead after that :s
if i can’t kick my self in the butt does that mean i have a flat ass?
Wow!!!! I did this in a pair of leggings that I’d ordered too small so it
actually felt like my little belly rolls were being shredded and compressed
during this workout! Yuck! Even more determined now with a new target on my
fitness journey…get these leggings to feel looser. Thanks, Fitness
Blender :)
Just got back from work and my legs are killing, but I must do this
This is my workout plan for 2moro ♥♥♥
lol im i the only one who watched all of this and didint do any of it
ALSO I have a question. I’m considering your 8 week fat loss program but is
it adapted to vegans? And is it realistic for me to expect to lose 15
pounds doing this program considering I have very little fitness
I’m trying to lose weight and this workout had me out of breath and
sweating like crazy. However, by the time I’m done, I just feel so much
more confident about my body and closer to my goal so thank you for this
wonderful video
Did I burn 112 or 224 calories?
i have lost almost 30 pounds in like 4 months doing these workouts daily (i
have rest days ofc) and i can def see a different in the loss, my eating
habits have improved which helps too, but this proves their workouts truly
work awesome! thank you fitness blender for being so motivating
Love your vids. I have lost 20 pounds in 1month and a half!
Belly Fat Burner HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training Workout with
Dang this was brutal as I was wearing NEW trainers that I bought today, and
worked behind bar for 6 days running!!! O_O but with a 5min extra break I
completed this xD sweating like a pig now!!!
SO good, second video I’ve completed with your channel. So glad I found you
Amazing workout, as per usual, but does anyone else get mega tired for the
rest of the day – or even the next day? When I’m actually doing the
workout I feel like I’m pushing myself – sweating like a fool – but I don’t
feel like I’m overdoing it and hurting myself. This fatigue afterward
though… Is it just me?
i’m so enjoying all the various FB videos, however, this is one of my
favorite go-to routines. sometimes, I take it easy, if I’ve been super
active or am tired, but today, I had some surplus energy, but not surplus
time. So I skipped the 10 second break between the first 2 20 second sets
of the 3 set rounds. talk about a boost! extra sweat/same time..and my
thighs were on fire. loved it! HIGHLY recommend it every once in a while
to crank up the heat.
I don’t really get why this is for the belly.. for me it seems like a
I really do enjoy your workouts!! thank you.
omg i’m all wet! amazing interval
What determines how many calories you actually burn?
Belly Fat Burner HIIT – High Intensity Interval T…: